IMPORTANT:If you are using ShortPoint SPFx version 8.2.X.XXX and above, check out Automatic License Activation to learn more about the new licensing experience.
Activation is needed for both trial and full licenses. It also needs to be done after license renewal.
Assigning users, on the other hand, is needed only in case you've purchased the full license or are renewing one. If you are on Trial, all users with edit permissions are able to try ShortPoint on the site where it is installed.
Before we begin
- Make sure you are using SharePoint Online (Office 365) or SharePoint 2019 environment.
- Make sure that ShortPoint is already installed on your SharePoint site(s) where you want to activate your license.
Step-by-Step Tutorial
Step 1: Locate the licensing page
To activate the ShortPoint SPFx license, you need to go to Site Contents, locate ShortPoint Dashboard, and click the Licensing page.
Important: In case you are using ShortPoint for the entire site collection, please make sure you are at the root site of your site collection in order to activate the license for the whole site collection.
Step 2: Activate your ShortPoint license
If you signed up for the trial license or have purchased a license, you will see that a new license is available. Click Activate.
If you are on a trial license, you will see that your License Status is Active - Trial. It will show you how many days of your trial are remaining and you will also have the option to buy a full license.
Alternatively, if you have purchased an OnDemand license, you will see that you are on Active - OnDemand License. The number of days remaining before the renewal date will also appear.
Step 3: Assign ShortPoint Designers
Now, you need to assign ShortPoint Designers to accounts from your environment.
Depending on the number of Designers included in the license you purchased, you will find the same number of fields available to assign a user.
You may have only one
Or more, depending on your license
ShortPoint Designers can only be changed once a year. However, exceptions can be made for those who have left the company or were transferred to another department. If you need further assistance with user change, you may send an email to
Note: Before you assign a new user, make sure that it is not a shared account. It has to be a real person's account. For more information about accounts, checkout Are there any accounts that cannot be assigned as a ShortPoint Designer?
Related articles:
- ShortPoint Add-In and SPFx Trial License
- Getting Started: The Basics of ShortPoint Page Builder Live Mode
- What is New With ShortPoint Page Builder Grid Mode Experience