Note: Before proceeding get acquainted with the prerequisites with this article, please and make sure that all of them are fulfilled.
Step 1. Manage User Properties
Please open the SharePoint Central Administration.
Under Applications Management, click Manage Service Applications.
Choose User Profile Service Application.
Click Manage User Properties.
Search for Birthday property.
- If it exists, please click it and choose Edit. Make sure that the Default Privacy Setting is Everyone. Jump to Step 3.
- If it doesn't exist, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2. Create Birthday Property
Click Create Property.
Give your property a Name and a Display Name.
Choose date no year under Type.
Choose Everyone under Default Privacy Setting.
Press OK in the bottom of the page.
Note: at this point, please make sure that the year of all user profile birthdates is 2000. Please see this article.
Step 3. Find the Birthday Property in Crawled Properties
Return to Central Administration.
Click Manage service applications.
Choose Search Service Application.
Choose Search Schema from the menu on the left.
Click Crawled properties.
Type in the name of the Birthday property and click the green button to search.
Click the found property.
Important! If no properties were found at this point, please check this article.
Step 4. Map the Property
In the property settings screen, press Add a Mapping.
Search for RefinableDate18.
Note: you can choose any property you want; we just recommend mapping Birthdays with RefinableDate18 as this is what we keep selected by default when you build the page with ShortPoint.
Click the property and press OK. Scroll to the bottom of the page and press OK to save the settings.
Step 5. Check Advanced Searchable Settings
Click Managed Properties. Search for RefinableDate18. Click Edit/Map Property.
Scroll down and make sure the following boxes are checked:
- queryable;
- retrievable;
- refinable;
- sortable.
Click OK to save the changes if you made any.