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Creating Power BI Embedded Capacity in Azure

About Power BI Embedded Capacity

Power BI Embedded is a capacity which is used to embed your stunning Power BI Reports to any of your app. In order to use this capacity, you need to purchase required capacity as per your needs. This article will explain all the prerequisites and steps to create Power BI Capacity. 

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  1. Power BI Pro Account: You should have atleast 1 Power BI Pro account. Click here if  you don’t have one.
  2. Azure Subscription: You need to sign up with one of your Power BI account (you may use the same account as explained in Point 1 above). Please be aware that Microsoft Accounts are not supported here, it must be valid work or school account and should be from same tenancy where you signed up for Power BI as explained in Point 1 above. Click here to sign up free.
  3. Azure Active Directory: The Azure Subscription should have valid Azure Active Directory.
  4. Resource Group: Please click here for more information about Azure Resource Groups.
  5. Adequate Privilege: Owner rights to Resource group or Azure subscription.


Lets begin!

Step 1: Sign in to Azure and click on create Power BI Embedded

Sign in to your Azure subscription with a valid account as explained in point 2 of prerequisites. Click on Create Resource. Search for Power BI Embedded in search box and click create.

Step 2: Fill in required information and click create

  • Resource Name: You can give a valid name (For example, Power BI Embedded) to this Power BI Embedded. This will also be visible at Power BI admin portal.
  • Subscription: Select the Azure subscription you want this resource to be created.
  • Resource Group: Azure resource group which shall contain this capacity.
  • Power BI capacity administrator: This user will be the administrator of your Power BI capacity and can give permission to others. By default, logged in user will be selected here.
  • Location: This will be prefilled will be same as your Power BI tenancy.
  • Pricing tier: Please select appropriate node as per your requirement. For more information, click here.

Finally, click on create and allow it some time to get created.

What’s Next?

Now since you have your Power BI Embedded capacity ready, you can now configure Master account integration option and start using the Power BI ShortPoint!

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