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Manual Installation Step 3: Run ShortPoint SPFx Installation from Dashboard in Office 365

You are almost done with the installation! All that is left to do is to run ShortPoint SPFx Installation from the ShortPoint Dashboard. This step will create the required SharePoint lists and will add ShortPoint JavaScript and CSS files to the site and other utilities.


Before we begin

Required permissions

  • You only need to be a Site Owner if you want to install ShortPoint on a specific site only. 
  • You have to be a Site Collection Administrator for you to be able to install ShortPoint on the entire site collection.

Run ShortPoint installation from the Dashboard video tutorial

Here is a video tutorial we have prepared for you if you prefer to see this process in action:

Step-by-step tutorial

Step 1: Go to Site Contents

Click the cog wheel icon in the top-right corner of the page, then click Site contents from the dropdown. 

Go to Site Contents

Step 2: Click ShortPoint SPFx - Install Now!

On the Site Contents page, you will see two ShortPoint SPFx items: 

  • ShortPoint SPFx, and 
  • ShortPoint SPFx - Install Now!

Click ShortPoint SPFx - Install Now! to open the ShortPoint Dashboard.

Here is what it looks like in the Classic Experience:

NOTE: Because of Microsoft's Scripting Capabilities deprecation, ShortPoint will not work on Classic Pages anymore starting November 2024. Read more about this change in ShortPoint Microsoft 365 Classic Pages Deprecation: Transforming Classic Pages to Modern Pages.

Click ShortPoint SPFx - Install Now in Classic

And in the Modern Experience:

Click ShortPoint SPFx - Install Now! in Modern

Note: The ShortPoint SPFx - Install Now! usually takes between 30 seconds to 10 minutes to appear. If you see dimmed (disabled) ShortPoint icons, please wait a bit more and reload your page. 

Step 3: Run ShortPoint SPFx installation

In the ShortPoint Dashboard, click Installation.

Installation button

In the ShortPoint Dashboard, you will see two installation options: 

  1. Site Collection Scope Installation: This allows you to install ShortPoint on all sites and subsites within the site collection. If it is disabled, it will only install ShortPoint on the current site. 
  2. Install for Classic Pages: This allows you to install ShortPoint for both Classic and Modern ShortPoint pages. By default, this option is disabled because scripting capabilities must first be enabled. Make sure to enable scripting capabilities before you proceed with this option.  Otherwise, you will receive an error.

NOTE: Because of Microsoft's Scripting Capabilities deprecation, ShortPoint will not work on Classic Pages anymore starting November 2024. Read more about this change in ShortPoint Microsoft 365 Classic Pages Deprecation: Transforming Classic Pages to Modern Pages.

Installation options

After selecting your preferred installation options, click Install.

Installation button

Once installation is completed, you will see a green pop-up message.

Installation completed successfully

Congratulations! You now have ShortPoint SPFx installed! 

Here is what you will see on the Site Contents after the installation is completed.

In the Classic Experience:

Installed ShortPoint SPFx in classic experience

In the Modern Experience:

Installed ShortPoint SPFx in Modern experience

You are now ready to use and explore the ShortPoint SPFx app! 

Next steps after you have ShortPoint Installed

After you have installed ShortPoint, you can now Activate your Shortpoint License. You can also proceed to ShortPoint Academy to access tutorials on how to use ShortPoint and its features.

Enjoy designing! :) 

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