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Cannot Add a Link to an Image in a Frame


It is not possible to link an image in the ShortPoint Frame element. If you would like to insert an image so that the users could click on it and be redirected to another page, please use the workaround below. Linking options for the Frame element are planned to be implemented in one of ShortPoint future releases.


ShortPoint Frame element doesn't support linking option at the moment.


1. Please insert an image you need into a ShortPoint Row using the default ShortPoint tools in the ribbon. Use a Row layout of your preference.

2. Highlight the image and press Link in SharePoint ribbon:

3. After clicking the Link button, choose "From Address" and insert the desired URL:

4. You are able to control the size and other settings of your image. Highlight your image and choose the Image tab in the Ribbon. You will see the Horizontal and Vertical Size controls:

5. Save the page.

That's all. Now you can press on the image and it will redirect you to the address you have provided. Just like this:

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