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Introducing ShortPoint Instagram Design Element

The Instagram ShortPoint Design Element allows you to embed an Instagram post into your SharePoint pages. 

Here is a sample of how the Instagram Design Element may look on your page: 

sample Instagram

Note:You can browse our demo page to see the different ways you can customize the Facebook Design Element.

You can find the Instagram Design Element by either scrolling down to the Social category:

Instagram social categry

or by typing "Instagram" in the search bar:

Instagram search bar

NOTE:It is only possible to embed one Instagram post. ShortPoint Instagram Design Element uses the API provided by Instagram. The API only allows the display of a single post because of its limitations. Currently, there is no API showing the whole Instagram feed.


Customization options

A. Content tab

The Content tab of the Instagram Design Element allows you to add the URL of the Instagram post you want to feature. It has the following option:

content tab

Post URL

To add an Instagram post to your SharePoint page, you need to get its URL first:

Post URL

To do this, go to the Instagram post you want to embed and copy the URL of the post:

Instagram URL

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B. Design tab

The Design tab allows you to customize the look of your Instagram post. It has the following options:

Design tab

Hide caption

By default, an Instagram post contains a media caption. You can hide it by enabling this option. This will reduce the height size of the embedded element.

Hide caption

Here is how it will look:

Caption is Displayed (Default)
Caption is Hidden
Caption is not hidden
Caption is hidden


This option allows you to control the size and responsiveness of the Instagram Design Element. The value set should be between 320 and 1200px. Simply use the slider to set the value or type it in the input field on the right:


NOTE:The height option is not supported. This is because the embedded code is responsive and its height varies depending on the width and length of the caption.

That’s it! Enjoy embedding Instagram posts into your SharePoint pages.

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