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Migrating Into New Page Builder For Generated Elements and Footers

The new ShortPoint Page Builder with Live Mode brings with it some updates to the overall Generator user interface. If you want to modify your existing Generated Design Elements or Footers, you will trigger the migration process from the legacy Page Builder to the upgraded one. We will provide you with the details on what to expect during migration in this support article.

Note: Generated Elements or Footers are migrated through the Generator tab on the ShortPoint Dashboard and not on the page where they are displayed.



    • You upgraded to the ShortPoint SPFx version 8.0.x.xx or later on Office 365 (SharePoint Online) or SharePoint 2019 environment;
    • You are a ShortPoint user with an active license;
    • You have existing ShortPoint Generated Elements or Footers.

    Key Updates for Generated Elements and Footers

    You will get the new Grid Mode experience once you migrate existing Generated Design Elements or Footers. When generating a new Design Element or Footer, you will find that a Section and Row are automatically available for you to fill.  Simply click the Insert plus button to access Page Builder and to start generating your custom Design Element.

    Generator Grid Mode

    In Grid Mode, all Design Elements must have a parent Section and Row. Any standalone Design Elements that existed in the legacy Page Builder will be adjusted to a compatible structure upon migration. You may have different experiences depending on the content of your Generated Design Elements or Footers which we will discuss below.

    How to Migrate Generated Elements and Footers Into the New ShortPoint Page Builder

    In the migration process, your existing content is scanned to determine if you have supported or unsupported layouts. 

    Supported Layouts

    Supported layouts are compatible layouts that already adhere to the Section and Row requirements in Grid Mode. Layouts that do not adhere to the requirements but can be quickly and automatically adjusted to meet them during migration are also considered supported layouts.

    Step 1: Edit the Generated Element or Footer

    Migration for Generated Elements or Footers will be triggered once you hit the Edit button. If your content only has supported layouts, you will see your content populate in the editing space immediately and you are able to proceed with editing in Grid Mode.

    Generator Migration Suppported Layout

    Step 2: Modify and save changes

    Proceed with editing your Generated Element or Footer and save the changes. This will automatically be applied to all the pages where you have the Generated Element or Footer.

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    Unsupported Layouts

    Rows within a content-holding Design Element other than a Section are considered an unsupported layout. This structure was accepted in the legacy editing interface but is no longer compatible with the new Page Builder. These are also detected during migration.

    Step 1: Edit the Generated Element or Footer

    You will get a notification window informing you that an unsupported layout was detected in your Generated Element or Footer upon hitting the Edit button. Here, you can choose to access a support article or schedule a support session to know more about the migration process for unsupported layouts. You can also cancel migration by closing the window.

    Generator Migration Unsupported Layout

    You will notice that you are not able to edit the Generated Element or Footer at this time. You will need to proceed to the next step to do this.

    Step 2: Create a migrated duplicate

    When you have an unsupported layout, the way your content is displayed on your pages might not stay the same after the migration is completed. 

    In order to prevent any unwanted changes to appear directly on the many pages you have published that contain the Generated Element or Footer, you will need to create a copy of the original by clicking the Create migrated duplicate button on the pop-up window. 

    The copy will bear the same content as your original but it will already be migrated to the new editing experience. It will also have the same name as the original with an appended "_migrated_01" to it (the number depends on how many times you have created a duplicate).

    Generate duplicate

    Step 3: Edit, adjust the layout and save

    Make adjustments to the migrated Generated Element or Footer and apply the edits that you wanted to make. Once you are happy with the new version, save it.

    Edit duplicate generated element

    Step 4: Replace original

    You can now delete the original Generated Element or Footer. Replace it by editing the new version and removing the appended "_migrated_01" in its name. Once saved, ShortPoint will automatically recognize this as the replacement of the original content and will now take its place on all your pages.

    Replace original generated element

    That's it! You can continue creating and editing your own Design Elements and Footers with the new Grid Mode experience.

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