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Automatic License Activation

Automatic License Activation has been ShortPoint’s most requested feature for a long time, and we’re excited to release it to you. 

This article will compare ShortPoint’s old licensing experience and the new Automatic License Activation experience.

Note: This feature is currently available for SharePoint 2019 and Microsoft 365 environments.

Old Licensing Experience

Previously, whenever changes were made to your tenant’s ShortPoint license information, updates wouldn’t automatically reflect on your Site Collection. You will need to open the ShortPoint Dashboard, navigate to the Licensing page, and click Activate.

This simply means that when your license expires or is updated, you will have to repeat these same steps for every Site Collection on your tenant to apply the new licensing details on that Site Collection. 

Activate in Licensing page

This is a very time consuming task, especially for tenants that have hundreds of Site Collections. That is why we created the Automatic License Activation.

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Automatic License Activation Experience

Starting from ShortPoint SPFx version 8.2.X.XXX, we’ve introduced a new way for license details to be automatically updated. 

The new Automatic License Activation experience automatically retrieves and saves license details whenever you visit a Site Collection that has ShortPoint installed. Through this, new license details are always reflected.

This removes the hassle of going through all your Site Collections and activating the ShortPoint license. You can now have a more seamless experience with ShortPoint Automatic License Activation!

NOTE: When you visit the tenant for the first time, clear site data, or use an incognito window, you might need to refresh the page to see the latest license details reflected. This is a result of a minor edge case and will not affect you when using the product. However, if for some reason you face this issue often, simply open the ShortPoint Dashboard. This will activate the updated license on that Site Collection and this issue should be resolved.

new window of the automatic license activation

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