Installation Stuck on "Provision Page References to Host Web"


You are unable to finish ShortPoint SPFx installation because the installation gets stuck on "Provision Page References to Host Web" while in the ShortPoint Dashboard.

Installation error message


This issue may occur due to one of the following reasons:

1. The user is attempting to install ShortPoint on a subsite without having the necessary access to the parent site.

2. The user is trying to install ShortPoint, but certain domains required for installation have not been whitelisted.


Follow the steps according to the specific issue you are experiencing during the installation process.

Solution 1: ShortPoint installation on a Subsite

The admin has to grant the user at least a Read permission to the parent site (make him a part of the Site Visitors group). For example, if the user is installing ShortPoint SPFx on, he has to at least have Read permissions to

To do this, please ask your Site Collection administrator to:

1) Open the parent site.

2) Open the parent site Site Settings (by pressing the top-right cog wheel in the Suite Bar).

3) Click Site Permissions:

Open Settings, then click Site Permission

4) The Permissions Panel will open. Choose Advanced permissions settings:

Click Advanced permissions settings

5) You will be taken to a classic version of the page. Please click Visitors group.

Click the Visitors group

6) Click the arrow next to New and click Add users - Add users to this group.

Add a new user

7) Add the user installing ShortPoint SPFx on a subsite into the group and press Share:

Add the user

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Solution 2: ShortPoint installation on the parent site

If you are using your company network and encountering this issue, it’s likely that some required ShortPoint domains have not been whitelisted.

1. Refer to this Whitelist (white list) of Domains for ShortPoint for a list of domains that must be whitelisted to ensure proper installation.

2. Alternatively, try using a personal or public network to complete the installation. If the installation succeeds, it confirms that the domains listed in the article need to be whitelisted on your company network.

That's it.

Now, when the user attempts to install ShortPoint SPFx on the parent site or a subsite, the installation will complete successfully.

Installation completed successfully

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